For more than 20 years, ARAR has been actively exploring petroleum acreage in the South East corridor of Turkey, bordering the Mediterranean Sea to the South West, Syria to the East and Adana to the West. This region is hugely under-explored, although it boasts a mature oil field in the West (Bulgurdağ), as well as numerous discovery wells finding both gas and oil.
ARAR has explored several licences near Erzin and Osmaniye and made several interesting gas discoveries. In fact, ARAR has been producing gas at a modest scale from its Hamam, Yesiltepe and Goz wells since 2010. Small pockets of high quality, high purity methane are being produced and sold into the local market through an in-house Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) facility.
The company intends to fully appraise the discovered gas reservoirs and bring this gas to market as quickly as possible. Several reservoirs have the potential for larger scale development. In those places, once fully appraised, ARAR plans to deliver the gas into the local BOTAS distribution system, or to sell to larger local clients through a pipeline connection.